
1. JC Statements

The Jury Committee would like to emphasize the demand for correct citing of work of others that is used in presentations. It is the responsibility of the team to clearly cite all sources used during the presentation on the respective slide or find another way how to make a clear distinction of own work. Not doing so may result not only in lower grading but potentially also into a disciplinary procedure in cases that shall be considered as plagiarism.

The Jury Committee acknowledges that the role of a reviewer is difficult for both participants and jurors. We once again would like to recommend students focus on key points rather than attempting to list all possibly relevant points (prioritization).

2. EC Decisions

This page lists important decisions that have been formally taken by the Executive Committee. In particular, any important decisions taken outside the scope of the regular meetings will be documented. Decisions taken during meetings are documented in the minutes, which can be found under the respective past tournaments (or in the archive for tournaments older than 2018).

Registration of teams

The treasurer should suggest which visitors and teams are considered registered even though the registration fee is not paid by the deadline and that the president should make the final decision.

Participation of Teams

In order to participate teams have to be present in the host country and must have met with one of the organizers at the time of drawing of lots.

Jury Qualification

Jurors must either have

  • a degree in physics,


  • a degree in physics education and three years of teaching experience in physics at a secondary school level.

This applies to all persons acting as jurors: team leaders who act as jurors and independent jurors.

Live streaming during 5th Physics Fight (PF) and the Final Fight

In order to promote IYPT and the unusual and thrilling format of PFs, it has been agreed on that during PF 5 and the finals all recording, streaming and other form of coverage (including texts or photos) of fights is allowed. Live streaming is only allowed in PF 5 and the finals. By taking part in IYPT, participants agree with all above mentioned forms of coverage for propagation purposes.

Answers to some clarifying questions concerning this binding decision: 

Q: For PFs 1-4, is it allowed to publish immediately after a fight? 
A: Yes.

Q: What about photos or a text tickers in PFs 1-4? 
A: Both are allowed, including immediately publishing.

Q: Can teams be streamed if they agree in PFs 1-4?
A: Life streams are only allowed in PF5 and the final, it does not depend on which team it is or if they agree or not. 
Even if it is your own team.

Q: Can we delay-stream legally taken videos taken in PFs 1-4 later?
A: Yes.